You do not know what you are doing.

Peter ‘pet3rpan’
1 min readApr 10, 2020


If you haven’t had hands-on real practice experience in this field of work, then you should highly doubt all opinions and beliefs you might hold or have. You have no experience, nothing you think or feel matters nor has much relevance.

You will default to: overthinking, over-optimising and try to solve problems that either don’t exist or don’t matter. If you think you won’t be affected by this, the more you will be so. You are stupid and know nothing, just accept this. No one is safe from a lack of self-awareness and ignorance.

Those agreeing with you are likely just as lost and blind as you are, the opinion of many matters no more than a bunch of flies that should be swatted away. Those you will respect and ones with real insight and experience will likely cringe at your ideas and sudden jumps to certain solutions. Some might debate and attempt to correct you in your thinking, most will not bother and speak up to you. Arguing with an idiot truly brings them to your level. The only real way to learn from others is to accept how unimportant you are.

Shut up for once. Learn. Listen. Ask questions. Chop wood, carry water.

A poem written by peter addressed to himself.



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